Peer Review Process



Publication in the Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences (APJSBS) adheres to a rigorous policy that mandates peer-review of every manuscript by a diverse pool of referees, encompassing local, national, and international experts. We employ a Double-Blind Review System, ensuring impartiality and quality in our publication process.


Throughout the review process in this method, the identities of the reviewers and authors are kept anonymous. The corresponding authors of the research article are required to submit manuscripts; they will be in charge of both the submission process and the ensuing rounds of peer review. Manuscripts submitted through the Double-Blind evaluation System are first anonymously assessed by our Editorial Board, then they undergo a comprehensive evaluation by internal and external referees that are chosen by APJSBS.


The Editor-in-Chief plays a crucial role in this process, overseeing the manuscript selection for peer review, matching each manuscript with reviewers who have the appropriate expertise, ensuring adherence to the double-blind process, and making final decisions on manuscript acceptance, rejection, or requests for resubmission based on reviewer feedback.


To maintain the integrity of the double-blind review, authors are required to agree to the temporary removal of their names from the manuscript during the review process. The Editor-in-Chief collaborates with authors to refine manuscripts in line with referees' comments, focusing on aspects such as originality, relevance, scientific rigor, clarity, organization, and adherence to publication standards. The independent reviews form the foundation of editorial decisions on article publication.


In addressing potential conflicts of interest, the Editor-in-Chief ensures that reviewers have no competing interests with the manuscripts they evaluate. Reviewers are obligated to disclose any potential conflicts to uphold the objectivity and credibility of the review process.


Published on January 25, 2024