Manuscript Preparation Guidelines


The following guidelines guide the authors:

  1. The manuscript should be submitted by the author or one of the authors of the research paper to the Managing Editor through the institutional email address of the journal at
  2. Authors are advised to transmit the title of the paper, authors' complete names, institutional affiliations, corresponding authors' email addresses, and ORCID number (if available) for the issuance of login details.
  3. Authors must agree to have their papers reviewed anonymously through double-blind review by the referees identified by the APJSBS.
  4. Upon submission of papers, it is understood that authors accept that their papers will be edited for originality and readability and that the manuscript will go through plagiarism and Grammarly software. They must also be willing to comply with the ethical requirements of their study.
  5. Authors are required to signify that the paper has not been previously published by filling out the certificate of non-publication, indicating that it is not being considered for publication in other journals while undergoing the review process with APJSBS and will not be published in other journals when accepted.
  6. Authors must adhere to the American Psychological Association's (latest edition) guidelines on writing style, including forms of citations, references, tables, and figures, in the preparation of the manuscript.
  7. Research articles must be written in standard English using the Times New Roman font.  Manuscripts must not exceed 5,000 words (2 MB).  Texts must be single-spaced and double-spaced in between paragraphs.
  8. All submissions will begin with a separate page indicating the paper title, authors' complete names, ORCID ID, institutional affiliations, and email address. The sections of the article are as follows:

Title: A concise statement of what the paper is all about.

Authors and affiliations  This indicates the authors' names, beginning with the lead author and co-authors, as well as the institutional affiliations of each.

Abstract.  This is a brief description (not more than 200 words) of the objective(s) of the study, methodology, significant findings, and conclusions.

Keywords.  These are carefully selected words related to the topic and the methods used in the paper.  A maximum of six words may be included in the list.

Introduction.  This section establishes the rationale of the study, cites previously done research, identifies the perceived gap, states how the paper can address the identified gap, and states the purposes or objectives of the study.

Conceptual Framework/Framework.  This section provides the most relevant literature on which the research article is anchored.

Methodology.  This segment describes the procedure used in the study, including descriptions of the locale, the participants, the data-gathering tools, and the data treatment.  This must be indicative of a systematic and rigorous process. 

Ethics Statement.  This is a required section for research using humans or animals as subjects.  It indicates the steps undertaken to address the ethical considerations related to the research (i.e., scientific soundness, ethical soundness, researcher competence, community involvement, conflict of interest, etc.)

Results and Discussion.  This section provides information on the findings, analyses, and interpretation, including how these relate to other studies.  Tables and figures must have captions and adhere to the American Psychological Association format specifications (latest edition).

Conclusion.  This is where the authors state the critical contribution of the study to the existing body of knowledge.

Recommendations.  This section offers suggestions for potential clients or stakeholders based on the study's findings.

Funding Acknowledgment Statement  (if applicable).  This is written in complete sentences, citing the study's funding source(s).

List of References.  This provides a list of printed and online resources used in the study.

Important Notes: For easy editing and layout purposes, authors may be required to have a separate submission of photos, frames, tables, graphs, formulas, and data sets through

All inquiries concerning the publication of accepted papers should be addressed to the Managing Editor through the email address



This policy will be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary to align with the evolving standards and/or guidelines on publication language.  Any revisions to this policy will be communicated to the authors, reviewers, and the broader scientific community.



Published/Revised on November 13, 2023.