Empowering Literacy: A Comprehensive Study of Alternative Learning System (ALS) Implementation in the 4th Congressional District of Iloilo, Philippines

  • Joefel Toledo Libo-on Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2339-464X
  • John D Catunao Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology-Dingle Campus


The study investigates the status of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) implementation in the 4th Congressional District of the Iloilo province, Philippines, emphasizing the significance of literacy in individual well-being and societal contribution. The research addresses the persistent issue of illiteracy, particularly in regions such as South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, impacting economic growth. Focusing on the Philippines, a country grappling with high poverty rates, the study underscores the plight of Out-of-School children, youth, and adults, linking their challenges to educational opportunities. The ALS program, implemented by the Philippine government, emerges as a vital strategy to address illiteracy and educational gaps. A ladderized, modular non-formal education program, ALS caters to diverse learners, including dropouts, working individuals, and senior citizens. The subsequent sections present a comprehensive descriptive- correlational analysis of ALS implementation in the 4th Congressional District, employing a mixed methodology. Results indicate a commendable “very good” status for ALS basic literacy and an “excellent” status for the accreditation and equivalency program. Challenges, though present, are labeled as “less serious,” with variations across municipalities. The lack of significant differences in implementation status and challenges among municipalities and classifications suggests a uniform and effective ALS implementation. The study contributes valuable insights for targeted interventions to further enhance ALS efficacy. Future research avenues are proposed to delve deeper into identified challenges, offering tailored solutions for continuous improvement in basic literacy and accreditation and equivalency programs. Overall, the study provides a foundational understanding of ALS implementation in the district, emphasizing its positive trajectory and resilience in the face of challenges.
Keywords: Alternative Learning System (ALS), Literacy Challenges, Educational Disparities, Non-formal Education, Regional Implementation Disparities


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