Role of Decision-Making Dynamics and Farm Participation in Succession: The Case of Philippine Coffee Farming Households

  • Roperto Jr Sumeblan Deluna University of Southeastern Philippines


Succession is crucial to ensure agricultural sustainability, food security, and rural development in the agriculture sector. Existing succession studies focus on analyzing how demographics, farm, and social characteristics affect the likelihood of having a successor. There is scarce literature on how household members' decision-making involvement and farm participation affect the likelihood of succession. The effect of access to agricultural services was also examined in this study.  A Probit model was used in the analysis using information from 755 coffee farming households in nine (9) regions of the Philippines. Our result shows that gender-specific farm activity participation is more important than the degree of decision-making involvement in the likelihood of farm succession. To increase the likelihood of farm succession, any interventions and extensions should include a component that enhances youth participation in the actual farm activities. Membership of head to an agricultural organization, and women's access and participation in training enhance succession. The study supplements theoretical literature on farm succession by providing measurements on inclusive farm activity participation, decision-making within the household, and how it affects farm succession likelihood. A critical factor that should be considered in analyzing farm succession.
Keywords: gender-specific participation, decision involvement, women and youth inclusion, farm succession, probit model


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How to Cite

Deluna Jr, Roperto S. "Role of Decision-Making Dynamics and Farm Participation in Succession: The Case of Philippine Coffee Farming Households." Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences 21 (2023): 1-14.
Deluna Jr, R. S. (2023). Role of Decision-Making Dynamics and Farm Participation in Succession: The Case of Philippine Coffee Farming Households. Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21, 1-14.