Enhancing Academic Success through Utilization of Library Resources in a Public University in the Philippines


The library is a pillar in shaping the academic landscape offering a wealth of resources and services for student learning. This study correlated library resource use with undergraduate academic performance, sampling 800 clients across academic years 2015-2016 and 2018-2019. It examined the frequency of library resource use in relation to students GWA, deans list achievement, and board exam passing rates. Findings showed a strong positive correlation between GWA and the frequency with which library resources were used. It was discovered that students used the library to check out books, periodicals, and internet resources. The frequency of accessing library resources and making it to the deans list were significantly correlated. Students used the library to read, research, and prepare for tests and quizzes as part of their course requirements. Additionally, this study found a strong and moderately favorable correlation between students success on licensing exams and how frequently they used the librarys service like utilizing library resources, such as reviewers and references, to enhance their understanding of what is required to carry out requirements and activities. This study, conducted in the southern region of the Philippines, provides fresh perspective on the evolving dynamics and regional nuance of library use that goes beyond the traditional services.
Keywords: Library, library resources, library utilization, student achievement, student success


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How to Cite

Estrada, Chandrani Yves E., Florence Veneranda O. Gutierrez, Maribel G. Valdez, and Reysa C. Alenzuela. Enhancing Academic Success through Utilization of Library Resources in a Public University in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21 (2023): 71-83.
Estrada, C.Y.E., Gutierrez, F.V. O., Valdez, M.G., & Alenzuela, R.C. Enhancing Academic Success through Utilization of Library Resources in a Public University in the Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21, 71-83.