Good Governance Principles in Decision-making of a State Higher Education Institution’s Governing Body
Good Governance Principles in Decision-making of a State Higher Education Institution’s Governing Body
Good governance is related to good administration. There is fast organizational development with good governance because it generates reliability, predictability and accountability essential for any organization's success. This study determined the satisfaction of the stakeholders in terms of the good governance practices of the governing body and analyze the documents of the results of the different internal and external auditing bodies or measures. The study used descriptive-exploratory research where an instrument was developed to delve into the satisfaction level of the decision-making of the governing body. The research items were taken from the UNDP, Price (2018) and The Global Development Research Center’s good governance principles. In addition, existing documents like results of the office performance commitment and review, customer feedback, AACCUP, ISO 9001, COD, PRIME-HR, finance, APCR, and stakeholder’s satisfaction were analyzed. These data came from 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 documents. Results show that the university has achieved most of its annual targets for the specific performance indicators for the seven Major Final Outputs which include Higher Education Program, Advanced Education Program, Research Program, Technical Advisory Extension Program, Support to Operations, General Administration and Support Services, and Good Governance Conditions. On the other hand, there are specific targets for FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020 that were not met. The non-attainment of targets for these years resulted in the ineligibility of the university on the incentives in 2018, and the exclusion of major offices responsible for the non-attainment of the target on the incentives given in 2019.
Good Governance, Quality Assurance, Customer Feedback, Organizational, Success, Leadership
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Sabandar, S.Y., Tawe, A., & Musa, C.I. (2017). The implementation of good university
Asian Development Bank. (2012). Administration and governance of higher Education in Asia. Patterns and Implications. Metro Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank.
Barac, K. & Marx, B. (2012). Corporate governance effectiveness and value added at South
African higher education institutions: A registrar AR's view. Journal of Economic and Financial sciences, 5(2).
BukSU QMS. (2015). Bukidnon State University Quality Management System.
Chahine, S.A. & Damaj, I. (2020). Review of governance policies and practices in Lebanese
higher education institutions. Higher Education in the Arab World.
Chartered Governance Institute (n.d.). Governance code principles. London, United Kingdom.
CHED, PASUC and DBM roadmap for public higher education reform.
CHED Memo Order No. 9 s. 2019. List of levels of SUCs.
Degn, L. (2013). Sensemaking, sensegiving and strategic management in Danish higher
education. Higher Education, 69. 9812-3
Department of Budget and Management No. 2018, s. 2018. Internal guidelines on the grant of
the FY 2018 performance-based (PBB) including the process and criteria for ranking of eligible DBM-OSEC delivery units.,_s._2018.pdf
Doost, R.K. (1998). Financial accountability: a missing link in university financial reporting
systems. Managerial Auditing Journal, 13 (8). Emerald Insight.
Filho, W.L., Lange-Salvia, A., Frankenberger, F., Akib, N.A.M., Sen, S.K., Sivapalan, S. et al.
2020). Governance and sustainability development at higher education institutions. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Fonseca, A., Jorge, S., & Nascimento, C. (2020). The role of internal auditing in promoting
accountability in higher Education institutions. Revista de Administracão Publica.
Governance Today. Compliance. Performance. Sustainability. (n.d.).Good governance.
Happe, E. H. (2015). The importance of accreditation. Center for Advanced Legal
Hariyo Ban Program (2013). Internal governance tool 3: Participatory governance assessment.
IGI-Global. (n.d.). What is governance.
Jongbloed, B., Vossensteyn, H., van Vught, F., & Westerheijden, D.F. (2018). Transparency in
higher education: The emergence of a new perspective on higher education governance. In Curaj A., Deca, L., Pricopie, R. (eds). European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. Springer, Cham.
Mishra, R.K. & Geeta, P. (2020). Building autonomy for excellence in higher education
institutions. Reimagining Indian Universities. user=bUywoaYAAAAJ&hl=en#d=gs_md_citad&u=%2Fcitations%3Fview_op%3Dview_citation%26hl%3Den%26user%3DbUywoaYAAAAJ%26citation_for_view%3DbUywoaYAAAAJ%3ALkGwnXOMwfcC%26tzom%3D-480
Rathod, L. (2020, February 27). The importance of good governance in higher education.
Price, N.J. (2018). What constitutes good governance? Diligent Insights.
UNDP. (2011). Towards sustaining MDG progress. Chapter 8: Governance principles, institutional capacity and quality. cd=&ved=2ahUKwjs29K3vpXvAhW zIaYKHW2pCXoQFjAKegQIKRAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwwwndp.g %2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fundp%2Fli
UNESCAP. (2009). What is good governance?
Westerheijden, D.F. (2018). University governance in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Japan: Autonomy and share governance after new public management reforms. file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/11%20(1).pdf Kansas University community tool box. contents/participation/encouraging-involvement/identify-stakeholders/main
Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., & Wong, V. (2002). Marketing management. New
Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
Reyes, J. (2013). Measures of service quality between local government units of Angeles and San Fernando in the province of Pampanga, Philippines: Its implications to constituents’ satisfaction. International Journal of
Social Science, 18. (1). ISNN 2305-445
Stoessel, J. W. (2016). Responsiveness’in American higher education: The evolution of institutional governance structures. Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse, 8(02). Retrieved from
Sabandar, S.Y., Tawe, A., & Musa, C.I. (2017). The implementation of good university
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