Health Risk Assessment of Residents in Disaster-Prone Areas in the Province of Bukidnon


The increasing incidence of calamity calls for the development of modeling and prediction indicators to assess the impact of disaster on health. The study evaluated the health risk of residents through the development and validation of the DRR mathematical model for health in disaster-prone areas in the Province of Bukidnon. The model measured the extent of the hazard, exposure, vulnerabilities, adaptive capacity, and disaster risk reduction of residents affected by the disaster. This study focused on five disaster-prone barangays in Bukidnon.Using the mixed-method design, results revealed that themes and derived meanings from literature created qualitative risk estimation and disaster risk reduction model for health. The DRR parameter was found to be consistent with the observations conducted in various barangays in Bukidnon. The application of DRR model revealed that Barangay Batangan has the highest risk reduction despite having the highest magnitude of risk among the five barangays.
Keywords: Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability, Exposure, Capacity, disaster risk reduction


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