Aims and Scope


The Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences (APJSBS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, annual journal that aims to provide an avenue for researchers exhibiting emergent breakthroughs in the different social and behavioral sciences disciplines. It publishes research articles on economics, financing, governance, and higher education management; human resource supply and demand; institutional accreditation/quality assurance studies; institution-building studies; and research utilization studies. It also welcomes papers on education, science, health, ecology, and environment; socio-economic, political, and cultural studies; and humanities and communication.


The research agenda of the APJSBS is clustered into four broad disciplines, with identified subdisciplines in each category:
I. Institutional
Programs/Curricular Assessment Studies on Higher Education Clusters of Disciplines, i.e., measures of impacts, transactions, processes, outputs, and outcomes or results of programs/curricular. Policy-Oriented Studies: Policy formulation, policy implementation, and policy evaluation which focus on:
• Economics of higher education
• Financing of higher education
• Governance and management of higher education
• Human resource supply and demand
• Institutional Accreditation Studies/Quality Assurance
• Institution-building studies
• Research Utilization Studies
• Other Institution-related Studies, including Studies Relating to Student Services

II. Education

• Assessment in Teaching and Learning
• Best Instructional Practices of the Different Colleges
• Comparative Studies Related to Teaching and Learning
• Educational Administration, Management and Supervision
• English Language Teaching and Learning
• Extension Projects Related to Education
• Impact of Curriculum Reforms
• Impact and Effectiveness Studies
• Innovative and Integrative Teaching
• Mathematics Teaching and Learning
• Multidisciplinary Teacher Education Research
• Outcomes-based Curriculum
• Peace Education
• Policy Formulation
• Policy-Oriented Research Focused on Quality and Excellence,
• Relevance, Responsiveness, and Equity in Higher Education
• Qualitative Studies Related to Teaching and Learning
• Research Utilization Studies
• R & D Research (e.g., module construction, instructional materials development, designing pieces of training,      designing curriculum)
• Science Teaching and Learning
• Sports Education
• Strategies, Methods, and Techniques in Teaching and Learning
• Technological Inputs to Teacher Education
• Other education-related problems/topics, including the DepEd Research Agenda
• Other related topics/problems

III. Health, Ecology and Environment

• Biodiversity Studies
• Community-based Studies on Survival
• Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
• Effectiveness of Strategies, Methods, and Techniques
• Global Environment/Climate Change
• Health and Nutrition
• Herbal Medicines
• Improvement of Crop Production
• Medical Health Care
• Policy-Oriented Research Focused on Quality and Excellence, Relevance and Responsiveness,
   and Equity in Higher Education
• Population Dynamics
• Protecting Water System
• Research Related to Ecology and Environment
• Research Utilization Studies Related to Ecology and Environment
• Studies on Pollution and Its Prevention
• Sustainable Development and Environment

IV. Socio-Economic-Political-Cultural (including Humanities and Communication)
• Arts and Cultural Heritage
• Brain Drain-related Studies
• Cultural and Anthropological Studies
• Ethnicity and Culture Studies
• Filipino Values
• Gender and Development Studies
• Graft and Corruption in Government
• Impact and Effectiveness Studies
• Indigenous People’s Development
• Local Governance and Management Studies
• Morality in Media
• Multidisciplinary Research on Philippine Literature, Arts, and Sociology
• Peace and Development Studies
• Policy-oriented Research on Humanities, Social Sciences, Communication, Business and Management,
  and Governance
• Poverty Alleviation
• Research Utilization Studies for Policy Implications and Formulation
• Rural Development- related Studies
• Societal Problems on Violence, Rape, Incest, Homosexuality, etc.
• Studies on Political Dilemmas
• Studies Related to OFW’s
• Sustainable Development
• Uplift of Women Workers
• Urban Development and Social Housing
• Women Empowerment
• Other related topics/problems