Assessing the Impact of Community Extension Initiatives: Insights and Outcomes


An integrated extension approach is needed to address multi-faceted community issues effectively (Gonzalez, 2009). This paper assessed the impact of extension projects of Bukidnon State University on the residents at Barangay Can-ayan, Malaybalay City. A descriptive-evaluative method was used. Purposive sampling of 49 participants was employed in the study. Frequency and percentages were used as statistical tool. Results showed that the extension projects have contributed to the partner community especially in enhancing the knowledge and skills of the residents. The participants also believed that they have gained and learned many skills through the extension projects. The need to further improve and enhance the extension projects was identified by majority of the participants to sustainably empower the people in the community. Recommendations to continuously explore on collaborative strategies in the development of a strategic framework for institutional linkages, with particular emphasis on impactful poverty alleviation programs for the socio-economic development of its partner communities was likewise proposed.
Keywords: community, extension project, effects, influence, need


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How to Cite

Paulican, Jiemalyn B. and Helen P. Garcia. Assessing the Impact of Community Extension Initiatives: Insights and Outcomes. Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21 (2023): 43-54.
Paulican, J. B., & Garcia, H. P. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Community Extension Initiatives: Insights and Outcomes. Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 21.