Career Development and Job Placement Services in Higher Education Institution


Career and job placement services are vital services that higher education institutions provide for their students. These services lead to the institutions’ contribution to society’s human capital development by facilitating the development of employability competencies of its students. The study described the implementation of career development and job placement services of a state university in the Province of Bukidnon particularly the status of its performance and level of effectiveness and based on this information an intervention program to strengthen the services was proposed. A descriptive-qualitative research design using the annual accomplishment reports of the activities conducted for the past three years, 2017-2019, was utilized including a researcher-made questionnaire administered online through a Google form. Findings revealed that the career development and job placement services were implemented in the institution. The students were able to get career information, exploration, and direct experiences for job searching and job interview. They could reflect and make critical decisions on the career paths to take, considering their context and the labor demands. The students find the services very effective that calls for the sustainability of implementing the services in various platforms and formats.
Keywords: Career development, Job placement services, Higher education


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