Determining Factors Contributory to Global Peace
This paper aimed at determining which of the Global Peace Index (GPI) indicators would significantly affect the internal and external peace of 162 countries. This was done by investigating the change of state from natural to normal. The data were obtained from the annual report of the GPI done by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) from 2008 to 2015. The result showed that the peacefulness of the countries can be attributed to the internal factors followed by the external factors. The deterioration of peacefulness can be first brought about by political instability. Various armed factions begin competing for influence in the power that lead to civil war. Violent crime, homicide rate, terrorist activities and the Political Terror Scale, followed substantially. To repress the population and fight the rebels, the government would increase the number of internal security officers, police, and army. Most of the external factors would also worsen because of these conflicts. Relations with neighboring countries would remain extremely tense. They would struggle to accommodate the flood of refugees. Interventions of United States (US) and other allied countries would have to take place.
Global Peace, Global Peace Index, Peacefulness, Conflicts, Economics
Copyright holder is the Bukidnon State University.